Wraparound childcare South Wonston

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Before School

Breakfast club opens at 7.30am and the door will not be opened until this time. Please do not enter the setting or leave you child unattended. When the children arrive at the setting, they will place their bags and coats in the hallway and sanitise their hands. Children are welcome to bring any snack with them to eat when they are in session but please note that no sharing of snacks is allowed, and we do recommend that children have their breakfast before arriving. Happy Day’s does not provide any food during Breakfast sessions.

The before school session is very relaxed and all about making sure the children feel ready for the day ahead at school. Colouring, card games and other ‘quiet’ activities will be on offer.

Once it is time to leave everyone will collect their belongings and line up. A high vis will be handed to each child to put on their person or bag. We then walk across either the field or the path (weather dependant) to the back entrance of the school. Please note that some of this route can get muddy at times and we recommend providing a second pair of shoes to be worn only for the walk ready to change into their school shoes upon arrival. Staff will make sure everyone enters the school safely and will pass any messages onto teachers that are needed/relevant.

After School

The children are collected from either the school hall for older ones or directly from their classroom for younger children. All children then congregate and wait in a safe area on the playground until every child is present. A high vis will then be handed out for the walk back to the setting, also giving the children time to change shoes if needed.

Once arriving back at the setting, a snack of either low sugar biscuits or rice cakes and water bottle refills will be available. If you would like your child to have a different snack, please provide this yourselves but be aware that sharing snacks between children is not possible.

A specialised play or craft activity will be available for the children to partake in most afternoons. It is the child’s individual choice if they would like to partake in the planned activity or not. Other games and toys will be available as well as a chance to simply relax if needed after a long day at school. The private outdoor space (inside the white fence) is utilized well and an ‘open door policy’ will be implemented for the garden on afternoons whenever possible. The field is also used as another outdoor space when the weather allows it as well as the odd park visit too.

Upon collection you will be informed of what was done during the session and if there were any problems/issues or messages to be passed on from the school. Collection must happen by 5.55pm in order to allow time for a proper handover. If collection takes place after 6pm you will be charged an additional fee at a rate of £15 per 15 minutes.

Voucher Payments

We accept Childcare Vouchers, Tax Free Childcare and the armed services Wraparound Care Scheme.

Enquire about your child’s place